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Elif Simge Fettahoglu-Ă–zgen

Elif Simge Fettahoğlu Özgen is an architect, urban designer and researcher. She is graduated from Yeditepe University Department of Architecture (2007) and holds Master of Architecture degree from Istanbul Bilgi University Architectural Design Masters’ Program (2009). Her research interests focus on aspects of urbanism, landscape and geography extending into visualisation and mapping. Between 2009 and 2015 she has worked as a Research Assistant at Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture, attending courses on social, cultural and historical aspects of urbanism and architecture. From 2015 onwards, she has advanced as an instructor in design studios focusing on tectonics and built environment. Assistant Curator in the exhibition “Istanbul :1910-2010: City, Built Environment and Architecture” (2010) she has overseen aspects of research, scenography and content production in exhibitions including "Port City Talks: Istanbul.Antwerp." (2015). She is currently working as a research Associate in TU München Urban Design

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